Source: script/witness.js

 * witness.js - witness object for bcoin
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Fedor Indutny (MIT License)
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).

'use strict';

const assert = require('bsert');
const bio = require('bufio');
const Script = require('./script');
const common = require('./common');
const Address = require('../primitives/address');
const Stack = require('./stack');
const {encoding} = bio;
const scriptTypes = common.types;
const {inspectSymbol} = require('../utils');

 * Witness
 * Refers to the witness vector of
 * segregated witness transactions.
 * @alias module:script.Witness
 * @extends Stack
 * @property {Buffer[]} items
 * @property {Script?} redeem
 * @property {Number} length

class Witness extends Stack {
   * Create a witness.
   * @alias module:script.Witness
   * @constructor
   * @param {Buffer[]|Object} items - Array of
   * stack items.
   * @property {Buffer[]} items
   * @property {Script?} redeem
   * @property {Number} length

  constructor(options) {

    if (options)

   * Inject properties from options object.
   * @private
   * @param {Object} options

  fromOptions(options) {
    assert(options, 'Witness data is required.');

    if (Array.isArray(options))
      return this.fromArray(options);

    if (options.items)
      return this.fromArray(options.items);

    return this;

   * Instantiate witness from options.
   * @param {Object} options
   * @returns {Witness}

  static fromOptions(options) {
    return new this().fromOptions(options);

   * Convert witness to an array of buffers.
   * @returns {Buffer[]}

  toArray() {
    return this.items.slice();

   * Inject properties from an array of buffers.
   * @private
   * @param {Buffer[]} items

  fromArray(items) {
    this.items = items;
    return this;

   * Insantiate witness from an array of buffers.
   * @param {Buffer[]} items
   * @returns {Witness}

  static fromArray(items) {
    return new this().fromArray(items);

   * Convert witness to an array of buffers.
   * @returns {Buffer[]}

  toItems() {
    return this.items.slice();

   * Inject properties from an array of buffers.
   * @private
   * @param {Buffer[]} items

  fromItems(items) {
    this.items = items;
    return this;

   * Insantiate witness from an array of buffers.
   * @param {Buffer[]} items
   * @returns {Witness}

  static fromItems(items) {
    return new this().fromItems(items);

   * Convert witness to a stack.
   * @returns {Stack}

  toStack() {
    return new Stack(this.toArray());

   * Inject properties from a stack.
   * @private
   * @param {Stack} stack

  fromStack(stack) {
    return this.fromArray(stack.items);

   * Insantiate witness from a stack.
   * @param {Stack} stack
   * @returns {Witness}

  static fromStack(stack) {
    return new this().fromStack(stack);

   * Inspect a Witness object.
   * @returns {String} Human-readable script.

  [inspectSymbol]() {
    return `<Witness: ${this.toString()}>`;

   * Clone the witness object.
   * @returns {Witness} A clone of the current witness object.

  clone() {
    return new this.constructor().inject(this);

   * Inject properties from witness.
   * Used for cloning.
   * @private
   * @param {Witness} witness
   * @returns {Witness}

  inject(witness) {
    this.items = witness.items.slice();
    return this;

   * Compile witness (NOP).
   * @returns {Witness}

  compile() {
    return this;

   * "Guess" the type of the witness.
   * This method is not 100% reliable.
   * @returns {ScriptType}

  getInputType() {
    if (this.isPubkeyhashInput())
      return scriptTypes.WITNESSPUBKEYHASH;

    if (this.isScripthashInput())
      return scriptTypes.WITNESSSCRIPTHASH;

    return scriptTypes.NONSTANDARD;

   * "Guess" the address of the witness.
   * This method is not 100% reliable.
   * @returns {Address|null}

  getInputAddress() {
    return Address.fromWitness(this);

   * "Test" whether the witness is a pubkey input.
   * Always returns false.
   * @returns {Boolean}

  isPubkeyInput() {
    return false;

   * Get P2PK signature if present.
   * Always returns null.
   * @returns {Buffer|null}

  getPubkeyInput() {
    return null;

   * "Guess" whether the witness is a pubkeyhash input.
   * This method is not 100% reliable.
   * @returns {Boolean}

  isPubkeyhashInput() {
    return this.items.length === 2
      && common.isSignatureEncoding(this.items[0])
      && common.isKeyEncoding(this.items[1]);

   * Get P2PKH signature and key if present.
   * @returns {Array} [sig, key]

  getPubkeyhashInput() {
    if (!this.isPubkeyhashInput())
      return [null, null];
    return [this.items[0], this.items[1]];

   * "Test" whether the witness is a multisig input.
   * Always returns false.
   * @returns {Boolean}

  isMultisigInput() {
    return false;

   * Get multisig signatures key if present.
   * Always returns null.
   * @returns {Buffer[]|null}

  getMultisigInput() {
    return null;

   * "Guess" whether the witness is a scripthash input.
   * This method is not 100% reliable.
   * @returns {Boolean}

  isScripthashInput() {
    return this.items.length > 0 && !this.isPubkeyhashInput();

   * Get P2SH redeem script if present.
   * @returns {Buffer|null}

  getScripthashInput() {
    if (!this.isScripthashInput())
      return null;
    return this.items[this.items.length - 1];

   * "Guess" whether the witness is an unknown/non-standard type.
   * This method is not 100% reliable.
   * @returns {Boolean}

  isUnknownInput() {
    return this.getInputType() === scriptTypes.NONSTANDARD;

   * Test the witness against a bloom filter.
   * @param {Bloom} filter
   * @returns {Boolean}

  test(filter) {
    for (const item of this.items) {
      if (item.length === 0)

      if (filter.test(item))
        return true;

    return false;

   * Grab and deserialize the redeem script from the witness.
   * @returns {Script} Redeem script.

  getRedeem() {
    if (this.items.length === 0)
      return null;

    const redeem = this.items[this.items.length - 1];

    if (!redeem)
      return null;

    return Script.fromRaw(redeem);

   * Find a data element in a witness.
   * @param {Buffer} data - Data element to match against.
   * @returns {Number} Index (`-1` if not present).

  indexOf(data) {
    for (let i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) {
      const item = this.items[i];
      if (item.equals(data))
        return i;
    return -1;

   * Calculate size of the witness
   * excluding the varint size bytes.
   * @returns {Number}

  getSize() {
    let size = 0;

    for (const item of this.items)
      size += encoding.sizeVarBytes(item);

    return size;

   * Calculate size of the witness
   * including the varint size bytes.
   * @returns {Number}

  getVarSize() {
    return encoding.sizeVarint(this.items.length) + this.getSize();

   * Write witness to a buffer writer.
   * @param {BufferWriter} bw

  toWriter(bw) {

    for (const item of this.items)

    return bw;

   * Encode the witness to a Buffer.
   * @param {String} enc - Encoding, either `'hex'` or `null`.
   * @returns {Buffer|String} Serialized script.

  toRaw() {
    const size = this.getVarSize();
    return this.toWriter(bio.write(size)).render();

   * Convert witness to a hex string.
   * @returns {String}

  toJSON() {
    return this.toRaw().toString('hex');

   * Inject properties from json object.
   * @private
   * @param {String} json

  fromJSON(json) {
    assert(typeof json === 'string', 'Witness must be a string.');
    return this.fromRaw(Buffer.from(json, 'hex'));

   * Insantiate witness from a hex string.
   * @param {String} json
   * @returns {Witness}

  static fromJSON(json) {
    return new this().fromJSON(json);

   * Inject properties from buffer reader.
   * @private
   * @param {BufferReader} br

  fromReader(br) {
    const count = br.readVarint();

    for (let i = 0; i < count; i++)

    return this;

   * Inject properties from serialized data.
   * @private
   * @param {Buffer} data

  fromRaw(data) {
    return this.fromReader(;

   * Create a witness from a buffer reader.
   * @param {BufferReader} br

  static fromReader(br) {
    return new this().fromReader(br);

   * Create a witness from a serialized buffer.
   * @param {Buffer|String} data - Serialized witness.
   * @param {String?} enc - Either `"hex"` or `null`.
   * @returns {Witness}

  static fromRaw(data, enc) {
    if (typeof data === 'string')
      data = Buffer.from(data, enc);
    return new this().fromRaw(data);

   * Inject items from string.
   * @private
   * @param {String|String[]} items

  fromString(items) {
    if (!Array.isArray(items)) {
      assert(typeof items === 'string');

      items = items.trim();

      if (items.length === 0)
        return this;

      items = items.split(/\s+/);

    for (const item of items)
      this.items.push(Buffer.from(item, 'hex'));

    return this;

   * Parse a test script/array
   * string into a witness object. _Must_
   * contain only stack items (no non-push
   * opcodes).
   * @param {String|String[]} items - Script string.
   * @returns {Witness}
   * @throws Parse error.

  static fromString(items) {
    return new this().fromString(items);

   * Test an object to see if it is a Witness.
   * @param {Object} obj
   * @returns {Boolean}

  static isWitness(obj) {
    return obj instanceof Witness;

 * Expose

module.exports = Witness;