* address.js - address object for bcoin
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Fedor Indutny (MIT License)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2017, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* https://github.com/bcoin-org/bcoin
'use strict';
const assert = require('bsert');
const bio = require('bufio');
const base58 = require('bcrypto/lib/encoding/base58');
const bech32 = require('bcrypto/lib/encoding/bech32');
const sha256 = require('bcrypto/lib/sha256');
const hash160 = require('bcrypto/lib/hash160');
const hash256 = require('bcrypto/lib/hash256');
const Network = require('../protocol/network');
const consensus = require('../protocol/consensus');
const {inspectSymbol} = require('../utils');
* Constants
const ZERO_HASH160 = Buffer.alloc(20, 0x00);
* Address
* Represents an address.
* @alias module:primitives.Address
* @property {Buffer} hash
* @property {AddressPrefix} type
* @property {Number} version
class Address {
* Create an address.
* @constructor
* @param {Object?} options
constructor(options, network) {
this.type = Address.types.PUBKEYHASH;
this.version = -1;
this.hash = ZERO_HASH160;
if (options)
this.fromOptions(options, network);
* Inject properties from options object.
* @private
* @param {Object} options
fromOptions(options, network) {
if (typeof options === 'string')
return this.fromString(options, network);
const {hash, type, version} = options;
return this.fromHash(hash, type, version);
* Insantiate address from options.
* @param {Object} options
* @returns {Address}
static fromOptions(options, network) {
return new this().fromOptions(options, network);
* Get the address hash.
* @param {String?} enc - Can be `"hex"` or `null`.
* @returns {Hash|Buffer}
getHash(enc) {
if (enc === 'hex')
return this.hash.toString('hex');
return this.hash;
* Test whether the address is null.
* @returns {Boolean}
isNull() {
if (this.hash.length === 20)
return this.hash.equals(ZERO_HASH160);
if (this.hash.length === 32)
return this.hash.equals(consensus.ZERO_HASH);
for (let i = 0; i < this.hash.length; i++) {
if (this.hash[i] !== 0)
return false;
return true;
* Test equality against another address.
* @param {Address} addr
* @returns {Boolean}
equals(addr) {
assert(addr instanceof Address);
return this.type === addr.type
&& this.version === addr.version
&& this.hash.equals(addr.hash);
* Get the address type as a string.
* @returns {String}
getType() {
return Address.typesByVal[this.type].toLowerCase();
* Get a network address prefix for the address.
* @param {Network?} network
* @returns {Number}
getPrefix(network) {
network = Network.get(network);
const prefixes = network.addressPrefix;
switch (this.type) {
case Address.types.PUBKEYHASH:
return prefixes.pubkeyhash;
case Address.types.SCRIPTHASH:
return prefixes.scripthash;
case Address.types.WITNESS:
if (this.hash.length === 20)
return prefixes.witnesspubkeyhash;
if (this.hash.length === 32)
return prefixes.witnessscripthash;
return -1;
* Calculate size of serialized address.
* @returns {Number}
getSize() {
let size = 5 + this.hash.length;
if (this.version !== -1)
size += 2;
return size;
* Compile the address object to its raw serialization.
* @param {{NetworkType|Network)?} network
* @returns {Buffer}
* @throws Error on bad hash/prefix.
toRaw(network) {
const size = this.getSize();
const bw = bio.write(size);
const prefix = this.getPrefix(network);
assert(prefix !== -1, 'Not a valid address prefix.');
if (this.version !== -1) {
return bw.render();
* Compile the address object to a base58 address.
* @param {{NetworkType|Network)?} network
* @returns {AddressString}
* @throws Error on bad hash/prefix.
toBase58(network) {
return base58.encode(this.toRaw(network));
* Compile the address object to a bech32 address.
* @param {{NetworkType|Network)?} network
* @returns {String}
* @throws Error on bad hash/prefix.
toBech32(network) {
const version = this.version;
const hash = this.hash;
assert(version !== -1,
'Cannot convert non-program address to bech32.');
network = Network.get(network);
const hrp = network.addressPrefix.bech32;
return bech32.encode(hrp, version, hash);
* Inject properties from string.
* @private
* @param {String} addr
* @param {(Network|NetworkType)?} network
* @returns {Address}
fromString(addr, network) {
assert(typeof addr === 'string');
assert(addr.length > 0);
assert(addr.length <= 100);
// If the address is mixed case,
// it can only ever be base58.
if (isMixedCase(addr))
return this.fromBase58(addr, network);
// Otherwise, it's most likely bech32.
try {
return this.fromBech32(addr, network);
} catch (e) {
return this.fromBase58(addr, network);
* Instantiate address from string.
* @param {String} addr
* @param {(Network|NetworkType)?} network
* @returns {Address}
static fromString(addr, network) {
return new this().fromString(addr, network);
* Convert the Address to a string.
* @param {(Network|NetworkType)?} network
* @returns {AddressString}
toString(network) {
if (this.version !== -1)
return this.toBech32(network);
return this.toBase58(network);
* Inspect the Address.
* @returns {Object}
[inspectSymbol]() {
return '<Address:'
+ ` type=${this.getType()}`
+ ` version=${this.version}`
+ ` str=${this.toString()}`
+ '>';
* Inject properties from serialized data.
* @private
* @param {Buffer} data
* @throws Parse error
fromRaw(data, network) {
const br = bio.read(data, true);
const prefix = br.readU8();
network = Network.fromAddress(prefix, network);
const type = Address.getType(prefix, network);
let version = -1;
if (type === Address.types.WITNESS) {
if (data.length > 38)
throw new Error('Address is too long.');
version = br.readU8();
if (br.readU8() !== 0)
throw new Error('Address version padding is non-zero.');
} else {
if (data.length !== 25)
throw new Error('Address is too long.');
const hash = br.readBytes(br.left() - 4);
return this.fromHash(hash, type, version);
* Create an address object from a serialized address.
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {Address}
* @throws Parse error.
static fromRaw(data, network) {
return new this().fromRaw(data, network);
* Inject properties from base58 address.
* @private
* @param {AddressString} data
* @param {Network?} network
* @throws Parse error
fromBase58(data, network) {
assert(typeof data === 'string');
if (data.length > 55)
throw new Error('Address is too long.');
return this.fromRaw(base58.decode(data), network);
* Create an address object from a base58 address.
* @param {AddressString} data
* @param {Network?} network
* @returns {Address}
* @throws Parse error.
static fromBase58(data, network) {
return new this().fromBase58(data, network);
* Inject properties from bech32 address.
* @private
* @param {String} data
* @param {Network?} network
* @throws Parse error
fromBech32(data, network) {
const type = Address.types.WITNESS;
assert(typeof data === 'string');
const [hrp, version, hash] = bech32.decode(data);
// make sure HRP is correct.
Network.fromBech32(hrp, network);
return this.fromHash(hash, type, version);
* Create an address object from a bech32 address.
* @param {String} data
* @param {Network?} network
* @returns {Address}
* @throws Parse error.
static fromBech32(data, network) {
return new this().fromBech32(data, network);
* Inject properties from output script.
* @private
* @param {Script} script
fromScript(script) {
const pk = script.getPubkey();
if (pk) {
this.hash = hash160.digest(pk);
this.type = Address.types.PUBKEYHASH;
this.version = -1;
return this;
const pkh = script.getPubkeyhash();
if (pkh) {
this.hash = pkh;
this.type = Address.types.PUBKEYHASH;
this.version = -1;
return this;
const sh = script.getScripthash();
if (sh) {
this.hash = sh;
this.type = Address.types.SCRIPTHASH;
this.version = -1;
return this;
const program = script.getProgram();
if (program && !program.isMalformed()) {
this.hash = program.data;
this.type = Address.types.WITNESS;
this.version = program.version;
return this;
// Put this last: it's the slowest to check.
if (script.isMultisig()) {
this.hash = script.hash160();
this.type = Address.types.SCRIPTHASH;
this.version = -1;
return this;
return null;
* Inject properties from witness.
* @private
* @param {Witness} witness
fromWitness(witness) {
const [, pk] = witness.getPubkeyhashInput();
// We're pretty much screwed here
// since we can't get the version.
if (pk) {
this.hash = hash160.digest(pk);
this.type = Address.types.WITNESS;
this.version = 0;
return this;
const redeem = witness.getScripthashInput();
if (redeem) {
this.hash = sha256.digest(redeem);
this.type = Address.types.WITNESS;
this.version = 0;
return this;
return null;
* Inject properties from input script.
* @private
* @param {Script} script
fromInputScript(script) {
const [, pk] = script.getPubkeyhashInput();
if (pk) {
this.hash = hash160.digest(pk);
this.type = Address.types.PUBKEYHASH;
this.version = -1;
return this;
const redeem = script.getScripthashInput();
if (redeem) {
this.hash = hash160.digest(redeem);
this.type = Address.types.SCRIPTHASH;
this.version = -1;
return this;
return null;
* Create an Address from a witness.
* Attempt to extract address
* properties from a witness.
* @param {Witness}
* @returns {Address|null}
static fromWitness(witness) {
return new this().fromWitness(witness);
* Create an Address from an input script.
* Attempt to extract address
* properties from an input script.
* @param {Script}
* @returns {Address|null}
static fromInputScript(script) {
return new this().fromInputScript(script);
* Create an Address from an output script.
* Parse an output script and extract address
* properties. Converts pubkey and multisig
* scripts to pubkeyhash and scripthash addresses.
* @param {Script}
* @returns {Address|null}
static fromScript(script) {
return new this().fromScript(script);
* Inject properties from a hash.
* @private
* @param {Buffer|Hash} hash
* @param {AddressPrefix} type
* @param {Number} [version=-1]
* @throws on bad hash size
fromHash(hash, type, version) {
if (typeof type === 'string') {
type = Address.types[type.toUpperCase()];
assert(type != null, 'Not a valid address type.');
if (type == null)
type = Address.types.PUBKEYHASH;
if (version == null)
version = -1;
assert((type >>> 0) === type);
assert((version | 0) === version);
assert(type >= Address.types.PUBKEYHASH && type <= Address.types.WITNESS,
'Not a valid address type.');
if (version === -1) {
assert(type !== Address.types.WITNESS, 'Wrong version (witness)');
assert(hash.length === 20, 'Hash is the wrong size.');
} else {
assert(type === Address.types.WITNESS, 'Wrong version (non-witness).');
assert(version >= 0 && version <= 16, 'Bad program version.');
if (version === 0 && type === Address.types.WITNESS) {
assert(hash.length === 20 || hash.length === 32,
'Witness program hash is the wrong size.');
assert(hash.length >= 2 && hash.length <= 40, 'Hash is the wrong size.');
this.hash = hash;
this.type = type;
this.version = version;
return this;
* Create a naked address from hash/type/version.
* @param {Hash} hash
* @param {AddressPrefix} type
* @param {Number} [version=-1]
* @returns {Address}
* @throws on bad hash size
static fromHash(hash, type, version) {
return new this().fromHash(hash, type, version);
* Inject properties from pubkeyhash.
* @private
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
fromPubkeyhash(hash) {
const type = Address.types.PUBKEYHASH;
assert(hash.length === 20, 'P2PKH must be 20 bytes.');
return this.fromHash(hash, type, -1);
* Instantiate address from pubkeyhash.
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
static fromPubkeyhash(hash) {
return new this().fromPubkeyhash(hash);
* Inject properties from scripthash.
* @private
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
fromScripthash(hash) {
const type = Address.types.SCRIPTHASH;
assert(hash && hash.length === 20, 'P2SH must be 20 bytes.');
return this.fromHash(hash, type, -1);
* Instantiate address from scripthash.
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
static fromScripthash(hash) {
return new this().fromScripthash(hash);
* Inject properties from witness pubkeyhash.
* @private
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
fromWitnessPubkeyhash(hash) {
const type = Address.types.WITNESS;
assert(hash && hash.length === 20, 'P2WPKH must be 20 bytes.');
return this.fromHash(hash, type, 0);
* Instantiate address from witness pubkeyhash.
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
static fromWitnessPubkeyhash(hash) {
return new this().fromWitnessPubkeyhash(hash);
* Inject properties from witness scripthash.
* @private
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
fromWitnessScripthash(hash) {
const type = Address.types.WITNESS;
assert(hash && hash.length === 32, 'P2WPKH must be 32 bytes.');
return this.fromHash(hash, type, 0);
* Instantiate address from witness scripthash.
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
static fromWitnessScripthash(hash) {
return new this().fromWitnessScripthash(hash);
* Inject properties from witness program.
* @private
* @param {Number} version
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
fromProgram(version, hash) {
const type = Address.types.WITNESS;
assert(version >= 0, 'Bad version for witness program.');
return this.fromHash(hash, type, version);
* Instantiate address from witness program.
* @param {Number} version
* @param {Buffer} hash
* @returns {Address}
static fromProgram(version, hash) {
return new this().fromProgram(version, hash);
* Test whether the address is pubkeyhash.
* @returns {Boolean}
isPubkeyhash() {
return this.type === Address.types.PUBKEYHASH;
* Test whether the address is scripthash.
* @returns {Boolean}
isScripthash() {
return this.type === Address.types.SCRIPTHASH;
* Test whether the address is witness pubkeyhash.
* @returns {Boolean}
isWitnessPubkeyhash() {
return this.version === 0 && this.hash.length === 20;
* Test whether the address is witness scripthash.
* @returns {Boolean}
isWitnessScripthash() {
return this.version === 0 && this.hash.length === 32;
* Test whether the address is a witness program.
* @returns {Boolean}
isProgram() {
return this.version !== -1;
* Test whether the address is an unknown witness program.
* @returns {Boolean}
isUnknown() {
if (this.version === -1)
return false;
if (this.version > 0)
return true;
return this.hash.length !== 20 && this.hash.length !== 32;
* Get the hash of a base58 address or address-related object.
* @param {String|Address|Hash} data
* @param {String?} enc - Can be `"hex"` or `null`.
* @returns {Hash}
static getHash(data, enc) {
if (!data)
throw new Error('Object is not an address.');
let hash;
if (Buffer.isBuffer(data)) {
if (data.length !== 20 && data.length !== 32)
throw new Error('Object is not an address.');
hash = data;
} else if (data instanceof Address) {
hash = data.hash;
} else {
throw new Error('Object is not an address.');
if (enc === 'hex')
return hash.toString('hex');
return hash;
* Get an address type for a specified network address prefix.
* @param {Number} prefix
* @param {Network} network
* @returns {AddressType}
static getType(prefix, network) {
const prefixes = network.addressPrefix;
switch (prefix) {
case prefixes.pubkeyhash:
return Address.types.PUBKEYHASH;
case prefixes.scripthash:
return Address.types.SCRIPTHASH;
case prefixes.witnesspubkeyhash:
case prefixes.witnessscripthash:
return Address.types.WITNESS;
throw new Error('Unknown address prefix.');
* Address types.
* @enum {Number}
Address.types = {
* Address types by value.
* @const {Object}
Address.typesByVal = [
* Helpers
function isMixedCase(str) {
let lower = false;
let upper = false;
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
const ch = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (ch >= 0x30 && ch <= 0x39)
if (ch & 32) {
assert(ch >= 0x61 && ch <= 0x7a);
lower = true;
} else {
assert(ch >= 0x41 && ch <= 0x5a);
upper = true;
if (lower && upper)
return true;
return false;
* Expose
module.exports = Address;