* bip151.js - peer-to-peer communication encryption.
* Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
* https://github.com/bcoin-org/bcoin
* Resources:
* https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0151.mediawiki
* https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/master/PROTOCOL.chacha20poly1305
* https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/master/cipher-chachapoly.c
* https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/master/cipher.c
* https://github.com/openssh/openssh-portable/blob/master/packet.c
'use strict';
const assert = require('assert');
const EventEmitter = require('events');
const {format} = require('util');
const bio = require('bufio');
const util = require('../utils/util');
const hash256 = require('bcrypto/lib/hash256');
const sha256 = require('bcrypto/lib/sha256');
const ChaCha20 = require('bcrypto/lib/chacha20');
const Poly1305 = require('bcrypto/lib/poly1305');
const AEAD = require('bcrypto/lib/aead');
const hkdf = require('bcrypto/lib/hkdf');
const secp256k1 = require('bcrypto/lib/secp256k1');
const packets = require('./packets');
const common = require('./common');
const {encoding} = bio;
const {EncinitPacket, EncackPacket} = packets;
* Constants
const HKDF_SALT = Buffer.from('bitcoinecdh', 'ascii');
const INFO_KEY1 = Buffer.from('BitcoinK1', 'ascii');
const INFO_KEY2 = Buffer.from('BitcoinK2', 'ascii');
const INFO_SID = Buffer.from('BitcoinSessionID', 'ascii');
const HIGH_WATERMARK = 1024 * (1 << 20);
* BIP151 Stream
* Represents a BIP151 input or output stream.
* @alias module:net.BIP151Stream
* @property {Buffer} publicKey
* @property {Buffer} privateKey
* @property {Number} cipher
* @property {Buffer} k1
* @property {Buffer} k2
* @property {Buffer} sid
* @property {ChaCha20} chacha
* @property {AEAD} aead
* @property {Buffer} tag
* @property {Number} seq
* @property {Number} processed
* @property {Number} lastKey
class BIP151Stream {
* Create a BIP151 input or output stream.
* @constructor
* @param {Number} cipher
constructor(cipher) {
this.cipher = BIP151.ciphers.CHACHAPOLY;
this.privateKey = secp256k1.generatePrivateKey();
this.publicKey = null;
this.k1 = null;
this.k2 = null;
this.sid = null;
if (cipher != null) {
assert(cipher === BIP151.ciphers.CHACHAPOLY, 'Unknown cipher type.');
this.cipher = cipher;
this.chacha = new ChaCha20();
this.aead = new AEAD();
this.tag = null;
this.seq = 0;
this.iv = Buffer.allocUnsafe(8);
this.processed = 0;
this.lastRekey = 0;
* Initialize the stream with peer's public key.
* Computes ecdh secret and chacha keys.
* @param {Buffer} publicKey
init(publicKey) {
this.publicKey = publicKey;
const secret = secp256k1.ecdh(this.publicKey, this.privateKey).slice(1);
const bw = bio.pool(33);
const data = bw.render();
const prk = hkdf.extract(sha256, data, HKDF_SALT);
this.k1 = hkdf.expand(sha256, prk, INFO_KEY1, 32);
this.k2 = hkdf.expand(sha256, prk, INFO_KEY2, 32);
this.sid = hkdf.expand(sha256, prk, INFO_SID, 32);
this.seq = 0;
this.chacha.init(this.k1, this.iv);
this.aead.init(this.k2, this.iv);
this.lastRekey = util.now();
* Add buffer size to `processed`,
* check whether we need to rekey.
* @param {Buffer} packet
* @returns {Boolean}
shouldRekey(packet) {
const now = util.now();
this.processed += packet.length;
if (now >= this.lastRekey + 10
|| this.processed >= HIGH_WATERMARK) {
this.lastRekey = now;
this.processed = 0;
return true;
return false;
* Generate new chacha keys with `key = HASH256(sid | key)`.
* This will reinitialize the state of both ciphers.
rekey(k1, k2) {
assert(this.sid, 'Cannot rekey before initialization.');
if (!k1) {
this.k1 = hash256.root(this.sid, this.k1);
this.k2 = hash256.root(this.sid, this.k2);
} else {
this.k1 = k1;
this.k2 = k2;
// All state is reinitialized
// aside from the sequence number.
this.chacha.init(this.k1, this.iv);
this.aead.init(this.k2, this.iv);
* Increment packet sequence number and update IVs
* (note, sequence number overflows after 2^64-1).
* The IV will be updated without reinitializing
* cipher state.
sequence() {
// Wrap sequence number a la openssh.
if (++this.seq === 0x100000000)
this.seq = 0;
// State of the ciphers is
// unaltered aside from the iv.
this.chacha.init(null, this.iv);
this.aead.init(null, this.iv);
* Render the IV necessary for cipher streams.
* @returns {Buffer}
update() {
this.iv.writeUInt32LE(this.seq, 0, true);
return this.iv;
* Get public key tied to private key
* (not the same as BIP151Stream#publicKey).
* @returns {Buffer}
getPublicKey() {
return secp256k1.publicKeyCreate(this.privateKey, true);
* Encrypt a payload size with k1.
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {Buffer}
encryptSize(data) {
return this.chacha.encrypt(data.slice(0, 4));
* Decrypt payload size with k1.
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {Number}
decryptSize(data) {
return data.readUInt32LE(0, true);
* Encrypt payload with AEAD (update cipher and mac).
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {Buffer} data
encrypt(data) {
return this.aead.encrypt(data);
* Decrypt payload with AEAD (update cipher only).
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {Buffer} data
decrypt(data) {
return this.aead.chacha20.encrypt(data);
* Authenticate payload with AEAD (update mac only).
* @param {Buffer} data
* @returns {Buffer} data
auth(data) {
return this.aead.auth(data);
* Finalize AEAD and compute MAC.
* @returns {Buffer}
final() {
this.tag = this.aead.final();
return this.tag;
* Verify tag against mac in constant time.
* @param {Buffer} tag
* @returns {Boolean}
verify(tag) {
return Poly1305.verify(this.tag, tag);
* BIP151
* Represents a BIP151 input and output stream.
* Holds state for peer communication.
* @alias module:net.BIP151
* @extends EventEmitter
* @property {BIP151Stream} input
* @property {BIP151Stream} output
* @property {Boolean} initReceived
* @property {Boolean} ackReceived
* @property {Boolean} initSent
* @property {Boolean} ackSent
* @property {Object} timeout
* @property {Job} job
* @property {Boolean} completed
* @property {Boolean} handshake
class BIP151 extends EventEmitter {
* Create a BIP151 input and output stream.
* @constructor
* @param {Number} cipher
constructor(cipher) {
this.input = new BIP151Stream(cipher);
this.output = new BIP151Stream(cipher);
this.initReceived = false;
this.ackReceived = false;
this.initSent = false;
this.ackSent = false;
this.completed = false;
this.handshake = false;
this.pending = [];
this.total = 0;
this.waiting = 4;
this.hasSize = false;
this.timeout = null;
this.job = null;
this.onShake = null;
this.bip150 = null;
* Emit an error.
* @param {...String} msg
error() {
const msg = format.apply(null, arguments);
this.emit('error', new Error(msg));
* Test whether handshake has completed.
* @returns {Boolean}
isReady() {
return this.initSent
&& this.ackReceived
&& this.initReceived
&& this.ackSent;
* Render an `encinit` packet. Contains the
* input public key and cipher number.
* @returns {Buffer}
toEncinit() {
assert(!this.initSent, 'Cannot init twice.');
this.initSent = true;
return new EncinitPacket(this.input.getPublicKey(), this.input.cipher);
* Render `encack` packet. Contains the
* output stream public key.
* @returns {Buffer}
toEncack() {
assert(this.output.sid, 'Cannot ack before init.');
assert(!this.ackSent, 'Cannot ack twice.');
this.ackSent = true;
if (this.isReady()) {
assert(!this.completed, 'No encack after timeout.');
this.handshake = true;
return new EncackPacket(this.output.getPublicKey());
* Render `encack` packet with an all
* zero public key, notifying of a rekey
* for the output stream.
* @returns {Buffer}
toRekey() {
assert(this.handshake, 'Cannot rekey before handshake.');
return new EncackPacket(common.ZERO_KEY);
* Handle `encinit` from remote peer.
* @param {Buffer}
encinit(publicKey, cipher) {
assert(cipher === this.output.cipher, 'Cipher mismatch.');
assert(!this.initReceived, 'Already initialized.');
assert(!this.completed, 'No encinit after timeout.');
this.initReceived = true;
* Handle `encack` from remote peer.
* @param {Buffer} data
encack(publicKey) {
assert(this.initSent, 'Unsolicited ACK.');
if (publicKey.equals(common.ZERO_KEY)) {
assert(this.handshake, 'No initialization before rekey.');
if (this.bip150 && this.bip150.auth) {
assert(!this.ackReceived, 'Already ACKed.');
assert(!this.completed, 'No encack after timeout.');
this.ackReceived = true;
if (this.isReady()) {
this.handshake = true;
* Cleanup handshake job.
* @returns {Job}
cleanup() {
const job = this.job;
assert(!this.completed, 'Already completed.');
assert(job, 'No completion job.');
this.completed = true;
this.job = null;
if (this.timeout != null) {
this.timeout = null;
if (this.onShake) {
this.removeListener('handshake', this.onShake);
this.onShake = null;
return job;
* Complete the timeout for handshake.
* @param {Object} result
resolve(result) {
const job = this.cleanup();
* Complete the timeout for handshake with error.
* @param {Error} err
reject(err) {
const job = this.cleanup();
* Set a timeout and wait for handshake to complete.
* @param {Number} timeout - Timeout in ms.
* @returns {Promise}
wait(timeout) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
this._wait(timeout, resolve, reject);
* Set a timeout and wait for handshake to complete.
* @private
* @param {Number} timeout
* @param {Function} resolve
* @param {Function} reject
_wait(timeout, resolve, reject) {
assert(!this.handshake, 'Cannot wait for init after handshake.');
this.job = { resolve, reject };
this.timeout = setTimeout(() => {
this.reject(new Error('BIP151 handshake timed out.'));
}, timeout);
this.onShake = this.resolve.bind(this);
this.once('handshake', this.onShake);
* Destroy BIP151 state and streams.
destroy() {
if (!this.job)
this.reject(new Error('BIP151 stream was destroyed.'));
* Add buffer size to `processed`,
* check whether we need to rekey.
* @param {Buffer} packet
maybeRekey(packet) {
if (!this.output.shouldRekey(packet))
if (this.bip150 && this.bip150.auth) {
* Calculate packet size.
* @param {String} cmd
* @param {Buffer} body
* @returns {Number}
packetSize(cmd, body) {
let size = 0;
size += 4;
size += encoding.sizeVarString(cmd, 'ascii');
size += 4;
size += body.length;
size += 16;
return size;
* Frame plaintext payload for the output stream.
* @param {String} cmd
* @param {Buffer} body
* @returns {Buffer} Ciphertext payload
packet(cmd, body) {
const size = this.packetSize(cmd, body);
const bw = bio.write(size);
const payloadSize = size - 20;
bw.writeVarString(cmd, 'ascii');
const msg = bw.render();
const payload = msg.slice(4, 4 + payloadSize);
this.output.final().copy(msg, 4 + payloadSize);
return msg;
* Feed ciphertext payload chunk
* to the input stream. Potentially
* emits a `packet` event.
* @param {Buffer} data
feed(data) {
this.total += data.length;
while (this.total >= this.waiting) {
const chunk = this.read(this.waiting);
* Read and consume a number of bytes
* from the buffered stream.
* @param {Number} size
* @returns {Buffer}
read(size) {
assert(this.total >= size, 'Reading too much.');
if (size === 0)
return Buffer.alloc(0);
const pending = this.pending[0];
if (pending.length > size) {
const chunk = pending.slice(0, size);
this.pending[0] = pending.slice(size);
this.total -= chunk.length;
return chunk;
if (pending.length === size) {
const chunk = this.pending.shift();
this.total -= chunk.length;
return chunk;
const chunk = Buffer.allocUnsafe(size);
let off = 0;
while (off < chunk.length) {
const pending = this.pending[0];
const len = pending.copy(chunk, off);
if (len === pending.length)
this.pending[0] = pending.slice(len);
off += len;
assert.strictEqual(off, chunk.length);
this.total -= chunk.length;
return chunk;
* Parse a ciphertext payload chunk.
* Potentially emits a `packet` event.
* @param {Buffer} data
parse(data) {
if (!this.hasSize) {
const size = this.input.decryptSize(data);
assert(this.waiting === 4);
assert(data.length === 4);
// Allow 3 batched packets of max message size (12mb).
// Not technically standard, but this protects us
// from buffering tons of data due to either an
// potential dos'er or a cipher state mismatch.
// Note that 6 is the minimum size:
// varint-cmdlen(1) str-cmd(1) u32-size(4) payload(0)
if (size < 6 || size > BIP151.MAX_MESSAGE) {
this.error('Bad packet size: %d.', size);
this.hasSize = true;
this.waiting = size + 16;
const payload = data.slice(0, this.waiting - 16);
const tag = data.slice(this.waiting - 16, this.waiting);
this.hasSize = false;
this.waiting = 4;
// Authenticate payload before decrypting.
// This ensures the cipher state isn't altered
// if the payload integrity has been compromised.
if (!this.input.verify(tag)) {
this.error('Bad tag: %s.', tag.toString('hex'));
const br = bio.read(payload);
while (br.left()) {
let cmd, body;
try {
cmd = br.readVarString('ascii');
body = br.readBytes(br.readU32());
} catch (e) {
this.emit('error', e);
this.emit('packet', cmd, body);
* Cipher list.
* @enum {Number}
BIP151.ciphers = {
* Max message size.
* @const {Number}
* @default
BIP151.MAX_MESSAGE = 12 * 1000 * 1000;
* Expose
module.exports = BIP151;