Source: golomb/golomb.js

 * golomb.js - gcs filters for bcoin
 * Copyright (c) 2017, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).

'use strict';

const assert = require('bsert');
const {U64} = require('n64');
const hash256 = require('bcrypto/lib/hash256');
const {sipmod} = require('bcrypto/lib/siphash');
const bio = require('bufio');
const {BufferSet} = require('buffer-map');
const BitWriter = require('./writer');
const BitReader = require('./reader');

 * Constants

const DUMMY = Buffer.alloc(0);
const EOF = new U64(-1);
const M = new U64(784931);

 * Golomb - BIP 158 block filters
 * @alias module:golomb.Golomb
 * @see
 * @property {Number} m
 * @property {Number} n
 * @property {Number} p
 * @property {Buffer} data

class Golomb {
   * Create a block filter.
   * @constructor

  constructor() {
    this.n = 0;
    this.p = 0;
    this.m = M; = DUMMY;

   * Hash the block filter.
   * @param {String?} enc - Can be `'hex'` or `null`.
   * @returns {Hash|Buffer} hash

  hash(enc) {
    const h = hash256.digest(this.toNBytes());
    return enc === 'hex' ? h.toString('hex') : h;

   * Get the block filter header.
   * hash of block filter concatenated with previous block filter header.
   * @param {Hash} prev - previous filter header.
   * @returns {Hash|Buffer} hash

  header(prev) {
    return hash256.root(this.hash(), prev);

   * Get the membership of given item in the block filter.
   * @param {Buffer} key - 128-bit key.
   * @param {Buffer} data - item.
   * @returns {Boolean} match

  match(key, data) {
    const br = new BitReader(;
    const term = sipmod64(data, key, this.m);

    let last = new U64(0);

    while ( {
      const value = this.readU64(br);

      if (value === EOF)
        return false;


      if (value.eq(term))
        return true;

      last = value;

    return false;

   * Get the membership of any item of given items in the block filter.
   * @param {Buffer} key - 128-bit key.
   * @param {Buffer[]} items.
   * @returns {Boolean} match

  matchAny(key, items) {
    items = new BufferSet(items);
    assert(items.size > 0);

    const br = new BitReader(;
    const last1 = new U64(0);
    const values = [];

    for (const item of items) {
      const hash = sipmod64(item, key, this.m);


    let last2 = values[0];
    let i = 1;

    for (;;) {
      const cmp = last1.cmp(last2);

      if (cmp === 0)

      if (cmp > 0) {
        if (i < values.length) {
          last2 = values[i];
          i += 1;
        return false;

      const value = this.readU64(br);

      if (value === EOF)
        return false;


    return true;

   * Read uint64 from a bit reader.
   * @param {BufferReader} br {@link BitReader}

  readU64(br) {
    try {
      return this._readU64(br);
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.message === 'EOF')
        return EOF;
      throw e;

   * Read uint64 from a bit reader.
   * @param {BufferReader} br {@link BitReader}
   * @throws on EOF

  _readU64(br) {
    const num = new U64(0);

    // Unary
    while (br.readBit())

    const rem = br.readBits64(this.p);

    return num.ishln(this.p).ior(rem);

   * Serialize the block filter as raw filter bytes.
   * @returns {Buffer} filter

  toBytes() {

   * Serialize the block filter as N and raw filter bytes
   * @returns {Buffer} filter

  toNBytes() {
    const bw = bio.write();
    return bw.render();

   * Serialize the block filter as P and raw filter bytes
   * @returns {Buffer} filter

  toPBytes() {
    const data = Buffer.allocUnsafe(1 +;
    data.writeUInt8(this.p, 0);, 1);
    return data;

   * Serialize the block filter as N, P and raw filter bytes
   * @returns {Buffer} filter

  toNPBytes() {
    const data = Buffer.allocUnsafe(5 +;
    data.writeUInt32BE(this.n, 0);
    data.writeUInt8(this.p, 4);, 5);
    return data;

   * Serialize the block filter as default filter bytes.
   * @returns {Buffer} filter

  toRaw() {
    assert(this.p === 19);
    return this.toNBytes();

   * Instantiate a block filter from a P, 128-bit key and items.
   * @param {Number} P
   * @param {Buffer} 128-bit key
   * @param {Buffer[]} items
   * @returns {Golomb}

  fromItems(P, key, items) {
    assert(typeof P === 'number' && isFinite(P));
    assert(P >= 0 && P <= 32);
    items = new BufferSet(items);

    assert(key.length === 16);

    assert(items.size >= 0);
    assert(items.size <= 0xffffffff);

    this.p = P;
    this.n = items.size;
    this.m = M.mul(new U64(this.n));

    const values = [];

    for (const item of items) {
      const hash = sipmod64(item, key, this.m);


    const bw = new BitWriter();

    let last = new U64(0);

    for (const hash of values) {
      const rem = hash.sub(last).imaskn(this.p);
      const value = hash.sub(last).isub(rem).ishrn(this.p);

      last = hash;

      // Unary
      while (!value.isZero()) {

      bw.writeBits64(rem, this.p);
    } = bw.render();

    return this;

   * Instantiate a block filter from a N, P, and raw data.
   * @param {Number} N
   * @param {Number} P
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  fromBytes(N, P, data) {
    assert(typeof N === 'number' && isFinite(N));
    assert(typeof P === 'number' && isFinite(P));
    assert(P >= 0 && P <= 32);

    this.n = N;
    this.p = P;
    this.m = M.mul(new U64(this.n)); = data;

    return this;

   * Instantiate a block filter from a P, and raw data.
   * @param {Number} P
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  fromNBytes(P, data) {
    assert(typeof P === 'number' && isFinite(P));
    const br =;
    const N = br.readVarint();
    return this.fromBytes(N, P, data.slice(bio.sizeVarint(N)));

   * Instantiate a block filter from a N, and raw data.
   * @param {Number} N
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  fromPBytes(N, data) {
    assert(typeof N === 'number' && isFinite(N));
    assert(data.length >= 1);

    const P = data.readUInt8(0);

    return this.fromBytes(N, P, data.slice(1));

   * Instantiate a block filter from raw data.
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  fromNPBytes(data) {
    assert(data.length >= 5);

    const N = data.readUInt32BE(0);
    const P = data.readUInt8(4);

    return this.fromBytes(N, P, data.slice(5));

   * Instantiate a block filter from raw data.
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  fromRaw(data) {
    return this.fromNBytes(19, data);

   * Instantiate a block filter from a P, 128-bit key and items.
   * @param {Number} P
   * @param {Buffer} 128-bit key
   * @param {Buffer[]} items
   * @returns {Golomb}

  static fromItems(P, key, items) {
    return new this().fromItems(P, key, items);

   * Instantiate a block filter from a N, P, and raw data.
   * @param {Number} N
   * @param {Number} P
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  static fromBytes(N, P, data) {
    return new this().fromBytes(N, P, data);

   * Instantiate a block filter from a P, and raw data.
   * @param {Number} P
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  static fromNBytes(P, data) {
    return new this().fromNBytes(P, data);

   * Instantiate a block filter from a N, and raw data.
   * @param {Number} N
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  static fromPBytes(N, data) {
    return new this().fromPBytes(N, data);

   * Instantiate a block filter from raw data.
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  static fromNPBytes(data) {
    return new this().fromNPBytes(data);

   * Instantiate a block filter from raw data.
   * @param {Buffer} data
   * @returns {Golomb}

  static fromRaw(data) {
    return new this().fromRaw(data);

 * Helpers

function sipmod64(data, key, m) {
  const [hi, lo] = sipmod(data, key, m.hi, m.lo);
  return U64.fromBits(hi, lo);

function compare(a, b) {
  return a.cmp(b);

 * Expose

module.exports = Golomb;